We make cheeses by hand
Herkkujuustola is a combination of Swiss cheesemaking traditions and pure Finnish ingredients. Our cheese family includes the following members: Vilho, Hilma, SavuHilma, Heidi, Väinö, Metsuri and PunaHeidi. In addition, Herkkujuustola produces real churned butter and local yoghurt. The best expertise in the cheese sector is crystallised under our roof.

Every weekday morning, we receive a milk delivery from nearby dairy farms. We are talking about real local production and cooperation!
Our craftspeople
Herkkujuustola’s story
Herkkujuustola’s Swiss master cheesemaker Peter Dörig moved to Finland in the mid-1990s and brought us his family cheesemaking traditions and love of noble cheeses. Peter grew up in a traditional village cheese dairy, where his father made Appenzeller cheese.
His heart pulls him to Mouhijärvi. Peter buys the Salotalo croft.
Peter starts a cheese dairy at Selkee manor.
As an engineer, Jenni brings quality to the process.
The demand for cheeses increases due to popular TV cooking shows.
Peter is chosen master cheesemaker of the year.
The old cheese dairy gets cramped and the new Herkkujuustola, the home of Hilma and Vilho, is built.
Peter starts exploring the world and arrives in Finland for an adventure.
Peter meets Jenni at the Häijää fair. Today, they have four daughters: Ida, Ella, Lilli and Fanny.
Customers want more and more cheeses and the first employee is hired.
Cheeses are added to the menus of top restaurants
The local food trend grows and increases the demand for cheeses.
Herkkujuustola’s story
Herkkujuustola’s Swiss master cheesemaker Peter Dörig moved to Finland in the mid-1990s and brought us his family cheesemaking traditions and love of noble cheeses. Peter grew up in a traditional village cheese dairy, where his father made Appenzeller cheese.
Peter starts exploring the world and arrives in Finland for an adventure.
His heart pulls him to Mouhijärvi. Peter buys the Salotalo croft.
Peter meets Jenni at the Häijää fair. Today, they have four daughters: Ida, Ella, Lilli and Fanny.
Peter starts a cheese dairy at Selkee manor.
As an engineer, Jenni brings quality to the process.
Customers want more and more cheeses and the first employee is hired.
The demand for cheeses increases due to popular TV cooking shows.
Cheeses are added to the menus of top restaurants.
The local food trend grows and increases the demand for cheeses.
Peter is chosen master cheesemaker of the year.
The old cheese dairy gets cramped and the new Herkkujuustola, the home of Hilma and Vilho, is built.
Herkkujuustola’s values
We strive to maintain a high level of CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, which includes understanding the customers’ needs and meeting them in a high-quality way.
We respect nature and support SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT in our production and the production plant. We have chosen energy-efficient solutions in the design of the premises and energy production. We assess the environmental impact when developing our production.
We respect the traditional production methods. Our delicious and high-quality speciality cheeses are MADE BY HAND.
Contact information
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 7-19 (kitchen 10.30-18.30)
Sat 10-21 (kitchen 11-20.30)
Sun 12-18 (kitchen 12-17.30)
Changes are possible.
Kurvosentie 3, 38420 Sastamala
050 471 6899 Juustotupa
050 364 8898 Cheese dairy
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